
What is Full Wave Rectifier and Half Wave Rectifier?


Full wave Rectifier and Half wave Rectifier

The main application of tangency diode is in rectification circuits. These circuits are wont to describe the conversion of a.c signals to d.c in power supplies. Diode rectifier, which extracts the alternating voltage. And pulses over time. The filter smoothes the pulsation within the voltage and to provide d.c voltage, a regulator is employed which removes the ripples.

There are two primary methods of diode rectification:

  • Half Wave Rectifier
  • Full Wave Rectifier

What is Half Wave Rectifier?

In a half-wave rectifier, one 1/2 each a.c input cycle is rectified. When the contact diode is forward biased, it gives little resistance and when it's reversing biased it provides high resistance. During one-half cycles, the diode is forward biased when the input voltage is applied and within the opposite half cycle, it's reverse biased. During alternate half-cycles, the optimum result are often obtained.

Half Wave Rectifier

Working of Half Wave Rectifier

Halfwave rectifiers have both plus and minus cycles.During the positive half the input, this will ensue positive to negative which is able to generate only a positive half cycle of the a.c supply. When a.c supply is applied to the transformer, the voltage are decreasing at the secondary coil of the diode. All the variations within the a.c supply will reduce, and that we will get the pulsating d.c voltage to the load resistor.

In the half cycle, the present will ensue negative to positive and also the diode are reverse biased. Thus, at the output side, there'll be no current generated, and that we cannot get power at the load resistance. atiny low amount of reverse current will flow during reverse bias to minority carriers.

Advantages of Half Wave Rectifier

  • Affordable
  • Simple connections
  • Easy to use because the connections are simple
  • Number of components used are less

Disadvantages of Half Wave Rectifier

  • Ripple production is more
  • Harmonics are generated
  • Utilization of the transformer is extremely low
  • The efficiency of rectification is low

Applications of Half Wave Rectifier:

Power Rectification: For power rectification, the Transformer is fitted as a power equipment in the half wave rectifier.

Signal Demodulation: Half wave rectifiers are used to demodulate AM signals.

Signal peak detector: Half wave rectifier is employed for detecting the height of the incoming waveform.

What is Full Wave Rectifier?

Full-wave rectifier circuits are used for producing an output voltage or output current which is solely DC. the most advantage of a rectifier over half-wave rectifier is that like the typical output voltage is higher in rectifier, there's less ripple produced in rectifier when put next to the half-wave rectifier.

Full wave Rectifier

Working of Full Wave Rectifier

The rectifier utilizes both halves of every a.c input. When the tangency is forward biased, the diode offers low resistance and when it's reversing biased it gives high resistance. The circuit is intended in such a fashion that within the half cycle if the diode is forward biased then within the half cycle it's reverse biased so on.

Types of Full Wave Rectifier

There are two main forms of full-wave rectifiers, and that they are:

  • Two diodes rectifier circuit (requires a center-tapped transformer and is employed in vacuum tubes)

Advantages of Full Wave Rectifier

  • The rectifier efficiency of a rectifier is high
  • The power loss is extremely low
  • Number of ripples generated are less

Disadvantages of Full Wave Rectifier

  • Very expensive

Applications of Full Wave Rectifier

Following are the uses of full-wave rectifier:

  • Fullwave rectifiers are used to supply voltage polarization in welding and rectifiers are used for this.
  • Fullwave rectifiers are used to detect the amplitude of the modulated radio signal.


Why half-wave rectifiers don't seem to be employed in dc power supply?

Half-wave rectifiers don't seem to be utilized in dc power supply because the provision provided by the half-wave rectifier isn't satisfactory.

What is PIV of a diode during a rectifier circuit?

PIV stands for peak inverse voltage and it's the utmost voltage that's possible to occur across the diode when it's operated in reverse biased.

What is a ripple in a very rectifier circuit?

Ripple is defined because the ac component that features a pulsating output in a very rectifier.

What are the benefits of a bridge rectifier over a center-tapped full-wave rectifier?

Three advantages of the bridge rectifier center tapped.

  • The TUF of a bridge rectifier is 81.2 percent. And the center tap has a TUF of 67.2 percent.
  • The output of the bridge rectifier is twice that of the center-tapped rectifier.
  • A bridge rectifier as a PIV half the center-tapped rectifier.

What is the cycle followed by the present in an exceedingly full-wave rectifier?

In a rectifier, this flow within the half cycle of the input.

What happens to the height current if the worth of the shunt capacitor filter is increased?

When the worth of the shunt capacitor filter is increased, the height current will increase during a rectifying diode.

Why bridge rectifier is preferred over a normal two diodes full-wave rectifier?

A bridge rectifier is preferred over a normal two diodes rectifier because:

  • The PIV is a smaller amount per diode
  • There is no need for the centre tap
  • The transformer required is smaller with the identical output

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