
Who discovered electric bulb first?

Who discovered electric bulb first?

Thomas Edison is usually credited with the invention of the light bulb, but the famous American inventor was not the only one who contributed to the development of this revolutionary technology. Many notable figures are also remembered for the creation of electric batteries, lamps and the first incandescent bulbs.

Thomas Alva Edison

The story of the light bulb begins long before Edison patented the first commercially successful bulb in 1879. In 1800, Italian inventor Alessandro Volta developed the voltaic pile, the first practical method of generating electricity. The glowing copper wire of the Volta is also believed to be one of the earliest manifestations of incandescent lighting.

Shortly after Volta presented his discovery of a constant source of electricity to the Royal Society in London, an English inventor named Humphry Davy designed the world's first electric lamp by connecting voltaic piles to charcoal electrodes. Davy's 1802 invention was known as the electric arc lamp.

While Dewey's arc lamp was certainly an improvement over Volta's stand-alone piles, it still wasn't a very practical source of light. This rudimentary lamp burned out quickly and was too bright for use in the home or work space. But the principles behind Dewey's arc light were used in the development of many other electric lamps and bulbs throughout the 1800s.

It was the year 1840 when British scientist Warren de la Rue developed an expertly designed light bulb using a coiled platinum filament in place of copper, but the high cost of platinum prevented the bulb from becoming a commercial success. And in 1848, Englishman William Staat improved on the longevity of traditional arc lamps by developing a clock
work mechanism that controlled the movement of the lamp's quick-to-decay carbon rod. But the cost of the batteries used to power the stat's lamps hurt the inventor's business ventures.

The first practical incandescent light bulb

Electric Bulb
Edison and his team of researchers in Menlo Park, N.J. Edison's laboratory in the U.S. tested more than 3,000 designs for bulbs between 1878 and 1880. In November 1879, Edison filed a patent for an electric lamp with a carbon filament. Several months after the 1879 patent was granted, Edison and his team found that carbonized bamboo fiber could burn for more than 1,200 hours. Bamboo was used for the filaments in Edison's bulbs until it began to be replaced with a longer-lasting material in the 1880s and early 1900s. After much research, Edison and his team found tungsten which was later used as the filament of the light bulb.

Now, about the glass of the bulb. The glass is developed by the same company that develops Gorilla Glass nowadays. Yes, the name of the company is Corning.

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