
Whats Five Main Sources of Electricity Generation?


5 Sources of Electricity Generation

  • Sun Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Water Head Energy
  • Fuel Energy
  • Atomic energy

We can produce electricity by converting different energies available in nature. So we should always check out various natural sources of energy which we use to supply electricity. Some common sources of energy are  

Out of 5 above listed sources of energy we don't use first two in very large scale. this is often because there are some limitations. But in present days water head, fuel and atomic energy are three most primarily used natural energy sources for producing electricity. The traditional sources of energy collectively derived from these three are called.  


The Sun is that the basic source of energy. The sun is that the source of both heat and lightweight . we will use both heat and lightweight for producing electricity.    

Energy of Sun Heat

We focus sun rays at alittle area with the assistance of concave mirror. the warmth of the concentrated sun rays to heat up the water in boiler. The steam produced in boiler rotates a turbine. The turbine rotates an alternator to get electricity. Although cost of electricity is sort of low here because no fuel like coal or diesel is required.  

Solar Power System

However, production of electricity isn't very fashionable . Because the world required for establishing this power station is sort of large even for smaller electricity generation. this is often also due to unavailability of sun light in night and in cloudy weather. Also sun light varies time to time during each day . Over all the technique of manufacturing electricity isn't in the least economical.  

Energy of Sun Light

We can use sun light on to produce electricity. this is often done by solar cell . Here, sunlight directly strikes on the surface of galvanic cell . Photovoltaic cells are mainly semiconductor PN junction cells. The electric potential or voltage appears across the junction of cell thanks to the incident sunlight. This electric potential or voltage creates electricity within the circuit connected to the solar array system. Solar panels for producing electricity are getting popular now days due to limitations of other conventional resources.  


We can use wind generation to get electricity. Where sufficient wind is out there for long periods of your time , we will construct efficient wind generation mill to supply electricity. Here the wind mill rotates an electrical generator. because the speed of wind isn't fixed we should always not use the electricity produced by wind mill on to the load. Instead we charge A battery connected to the system.  

windmills energy

The output of the battery feeds for loading through an inverter. the most advantage of the system is that it's very low running cost, due to zero fuel cost and negligible maintenance cost. the most disadvantages of the system are variable output, unreliable due to variable wind pressure throughout each day also as throughout a year and production rate of electricity is additionally quite low compared to standard sources of energy.  


When we obstruct the natural flow of water from upstream to downstream during a river by constructing a dam across the river, a head is made during this water. once we allow to flow this stored water during a controlled way through the dam the pneumatic energy. stored during this high headed water gets released within the sort of kinetic energy.

This kinetic energy rotates a water turbine. An Alternator including the shaft of the turbine generates electricity . the facility plants which use water head to supply electricity are referred as Hydroelectric power station . Water head is that the most acceptable source of electricity because it's clean, it doesn't cause pollution in atmosphere, it's simple in construction, it's robust and demands very less maintenance.  

Hydro Power Plant

In addition to those reasons, the dam helps irrigation within the localities and controls flood. But the development of dam needs huge monetary investment and sophisticated engineering. Another drawback of the system is that we will not construct a hydroelectric plant at load centre, we only can construct it in downstream river which can be distant from the load centre.  


Till date the fuels are the most source of electricity. we will use three sorts of fuel for the aim . Solid fuel like coal, liquid fuel like diesel and gaseous fuel like gas . Whatever could also be the shape of fuel that's either solid, or liquid or gaseous the essential principles is same during this system.  

Coal Power Plant

Here heat generated thanks to combustion of fuel within the furnace creates steam by boiling water during a vessel called Boiler. This steam is forwarded through a tube by a turbine. This creates K.E. on the turbine blades which turns the turbine shaft. The Alternator including the shaft of the turbine generates electricity.   We refer this technique of manufacturing electricity as thermal power generating plant. Although till date fuel is that the main source of electricity generation but it's a limitation of availability in nature and it's true that the supply is diminishing day by day.  


Nuclear fission releases an enormous quantity of energy. This energy is employed to supply steam which rotates a turbine including an alternator. The alternator produces electric power. In natural process the need of radio active material quite small for producing an outsized quantity of energy. Although the value of fuel is sort of high but till it's cost effective process of generating electricity since the number of fuel utilized in the method is extremely small. it's found that one kg of uranium (radioactive material that's nuclear fuel) is like 4500 kg of coal fuel.  

Nuclear Power Plant

The plants where natural process is that the source of energy for boiling water to supply steam is named atomic power plants. The atomic power plants do have two major drawbacks. The establishment costs, maintenance costs and running costs of the plants are above that of other conventional Thermal power generating plants.

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